Deanna Stover's Courses


Deanna Stover is an Assistant Professor at Christopher Newport University. This website is a compilation of her syllabi since starting at CNU in Fall 2020.

View the Project on GitHub deanna-stover/coursesCNU

Packback Questions

General Overview

Participation is a requirement for this course, and the Packback Questions platform will be used for online discussion about class readings and topics. Packback Questions is an online community where you can be fearlessly curious and ask open-ended questions to build on top of what we are covering in class and relate topics to real-world applications.

Packback Requirements:

Your participation on Packback will count toward 10% of your overall course grade.

The 10 deadlines are spread over the course of the semester on Fridays at 11:59PM EST (see course schedule for dates). In order to receive full credit, you should submit the following per each deadline period:

Half credit will be provided for questions and responses that do not meet the minimum curiosity score.

Please make sure you are posting throughout the week, not saving everything for Friday. This will help us foster rich in- and out-of-class discussions.

How to Register on Packback:

Note: Only access Packback through Scholar in order to ensure your grades sync properly

  1. Click the Packback assignment link within Scholar to access the community
  2. Follow the instructions on your screen to finish your registration.
  3. In order for your grade to be visible in Scholar, make sure to click each Packback assignment link as you post your Packback submissions.

How to Get Help from the Packback Team:

If you have any questions or concerns about Packback throughout the semester, please read their FAQ at If you need more help, contact their customer support team directly at

For a brief introduction to Packback Questions and why we are using it in class, watch this video:

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