Deanna Stover's Courses


Deanna Stover is an Assistant Professor at Christopher Newport University. This website is a compilation of her syllabi since starting at CNU in Fall 2020.

View the Project on GitHub deanna-stover/coursesCNU

Journal Prompt

Journal (#1) Friday, February 4th by 11:59 pm
Percentage: 5%

Journal (#2) Friday, February 25th by 5:00 pm
Percentage: 5%

Journal (#3) Friday, March 25th by 11:59 pm
Percentage: 5%

Journal (#4) Monday, April 25th by 11:59 pm
Percentage: 5%

Total: 20%

General Overview

You’ll be using our Google Classroom to complete a journal that catalogues our readings, in-class activities, etc. Most of what you write and produce for the Journal will be done during our class period, but there may be some points where I ask you to complete something outside of class. If you are unable to finish a Journal prompt in class, you will be responsible for completing it as homework.

This all means that, despite the lack of an official attendance policy, you’ll need to be in class to complete the activities. Except for excused absences, there will be no make-ups of in-class prompts for the Journal. Even if you have access to the prompt, DO NOT turn it in along with your Journal submission if you have an UNexcused absence (although, of course, feel free to complete the prompt somewhere else for your own benefit).

Your Journal will mainly end up being a compilation of written work, but it may also include images, links, and who knows what else! Ultimately, this Journal assignment should be a great resource to you as you write your paper for this course.

I will collect and grade your Journal four times throughout the semester, so you do not need to submit your Journal each class day. However, I advise keeping up with the journals as we complete them in class.

How to Submit

To turn in your journal, there are two steps:

  1. Turn it in via Google Classroom.
  2. Submit a PDF of the Journal to Scholar.

Evaluation Criteria

Late Work

I will take 5 points off for every day the journal is late unless we’ve agreed upon an extension.


(Mostly Free) Screen Capture Software

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