Deanna Stover's Courses


Deanna Stover is an Assistant Professor at Christopher Newport University. This website is a compilation of her syllabi since starting at CNU in Fall 2020.

View the Project on GitHub deanna-stover/coursesCNU

Twitter Prompt

Tweets Due: Weekly on Fridays by 11:59 pm (except for Week 9 and Week 15 – these are due on a Wednesday)
Percentage: 15%

General Overview

Twitter is popular in the Digital Humanities (DH) community and has been for awhile. It’s also a good way of practicing being concise and informative while talking to a public audience. And it’s a great alternative to discussion board posts! You’ll be setting up an academic or professional Twitter, meaning you might need to create a new profile if you already have a personal account. If you’re unfamiliar with Twitter, check this out.

You should be posting on Twitter at least twice per week about the readings and/or projects we’re working on AND replying to or retweeting (with a comment) one of your classmates at least once per week. There are a couple of special instructions listed below.

You’ll then submit Tweets to me (including replies/retweets with comments) via Scholar each Friday by 11:59 pm. To submit your Tweets via Scholar, you’ll need to take screen shots. I’ve listed some resources and instructions under “Resources.” I’ve also included instructions for sumbitting your tweets under “How to Submit.”

We’ll be using the hashtag #cnuengl350. Please use this hashtag! All my classes are using this hashtag this semester, so it’s also a great way to see what everyone else is up to.

You can certainly use other hashtags as well! Just don’t overdo it. Hashtagging most words is difficult to read. I tend to favor saving hashtags for the end of my tweets, although you can certainly incorporate them when appropriate. But know–more hashtags (and tagging people outside of class) means more people will (possibly) see your tweets. It’s perfectly fine to do so, but you should be aware that other people may notice and even comment or like your posts.

Please tweet throughout the week as readings are assigned. That means you should be posting before class. If you want to get really fancy or you like to read ahead, you can use Tweetdeck to schedule tweets.

Assignment Breakdown

Week One

Week Two on . . .

But if there was a blog due the week before? Do this! (I’ll remind you)

Week 9 and Week 15

Finals Week

Evaluation Criteria

Each week amounts to 1% of your final grade in the course. It doesn’t seem like much, but it adds up!


An UNsubstantial tweet: I really liked the reading, but I still have questions.

What reading? Why? What questions?

A better (but still UNsubstantial) tweet: Kirschenbaum attempts to answer “What is the Digital Humanities?” but I’m still not sure if he actually answered the question for me.

More specific but I still have questions about your questions. Add some more detail (understanding that you only have so many characters!)

A substantial tweet: Kirschenbaum attempts to answer “What is the Digital Humanities?” but I’m wondering what makes the digital humanities different than the humanities now that most things are done digitally? He was also writing ten years ago, so what has changed in the field?

An UNsubstantial comment or reply: I agree with your questions! Ten years is a long time!

A substantial comment or reply: Ten years does seem like a substantial amount of time, but I think defining DH will always be hard. Technology is constantly evolving, so I’m not sure we can even really define DH in any lasting way.

A substantial comment or reply to THAT reply: I disagree. I think technology is advancing, of course, but the principles are the same. As long as people are doing humanities scholarship digitally, isn’t that DH? I think the blurring really comes when we ask what is humanities work to begin with?

How to Submit

Go to the “Twitter Posts” link in Scholar, click on the appropriate week, and then hit “Create Post.” Once there, add a title and then upload your screenshot(s). Pretty simple!

Please post all three tweets as a single journal entry.


(Mostly Free) Screen Capture Software

You might consider using your phone to use Twitter and then take a simple screenshot. If you’d rather use a computer, here are some resources:

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