Deanna Stover's Courses


Deanna Stover is an Assistant Professor at Christopher Newport University. This website is a compilation of her syllabi since starting at CNU in Fall 2020.

View the Project on GitHub deanna-stover/coursesCNU

Digital Edition

Transcription Peer Review: Monday, September 28th (in class)

Diplomatic Transcriptions Due: Monday, September 28th by 11:59 pm
Clear Transcriptions Due: Wednesday, September 30th by 11:59 pm
Percentage: 10% (combined)

Essay Peer Review: Friday, October 7th (in class)

Essay Due: Friday, October 9th by 11:59 pm
Percentage: 10%

General Overview

We’ll be comparing the manuscript and periodical versions of “The Yellow Wall-Paper” using Juxta Commons Diff Checker, a collation software. You’ll be responsible for transcribing a short portion of the handwritten manuscript in two different forms and then writing an essay that discusses the differences between the two texts and reflects on the experience of transcribing and preparing a text.

Assignment Breakdown

- Transcriptions

I will assign you a few pages of the manuscript version of “The Yellow Wall-Paper” to transcribe. The assigned passages are in our Shared Google Drive.

- Essay - Friday, October 9th by 11:59 pm

Now that we’ve created the Juxta Diff edition (in class), write up a 500-750 word essay that combines close reading and reflection. First of all, you’ll want to discuss the differences you see between Stetson’s manuscript and the periodical (feel free to cite Shawn St. Jean, but also think about what you notice on your own). Secondly, you’ll want to reflect on the process of transcribing and preparing the manuscript.

Some questions to consider:

Evaluation Criteria

- Transcriptions

- Essay

Late Work

I will not accept late work for the transcriptions because we will need them for the next class. However, I will accept late work for the essays. Ten points will be deducted for each day the essay is late unless we have a previous agreement.

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